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St Joseph's Catholic Primary School

Part of The Bishop Wheeler Catholic Academy Trust
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Pilgrims of Hope – A Special Visit from CAFOD

On Friday 21st March, we were delighted to welcome Maggie from CAFOD into school to speak to us about the Jubilee Year 2025 – a landmark moment in the life of the global Church.

The Jubilee Year is a time when Catholic communities around the world are called to come together as pilgrims of hope, pledging to work for God’s kingdom of justice, peace, and love. Maggie began her visit by leading a whole-school assembly, sharing what it means to be a pilgrim and how we can walk alongside others in need.

Later in the day, Maggie delivered inspiring workshops for Years 3 and 4, helping the children understand the different types of pilgrims we find in today’s world – including refugees and those forced to flee their homes due to conflict or poverty. Through stories, discussions, and reflection, pupils learned how important it is to show solidarity and compassion.

This visit was especially meaningful as we continue our Lenten fundraising for CAFOD. Maggie’s words helped our children see how their generosity directly supports CAFOD’s mission, and reminded us all that small actions, when united in faith and love, can bring great hope.

We are grateful to Maggie for her visit and to CAFOD for their continued work around the world. Together, we walk as pilgrims of hope.

#CAFOD #JubileeYear2025 #PilgrimsOfHope #Lent2025 #CatholicLife #FaithInAction #LetAllThatYouDoBeDoneInLove