FairAchiever Award 2024-2027
Celebrating Our FairAchiever Award Success!
Our Fairtrade journey began as a FairAware School, where we explored where our food comes from and what fairness means. We then progressed to a FairActive School, taking meaningful action to spread the message of trade justice. Now, as a FairAchiever School, our pupils have a deep understanding of how their choices connect them to farmers worldwide, and they are passionate about making trade fair for all.
This success would not have been possible without the incredible dedication of Miss Pywell, our Fairtrade Champion, whose leadership and enthusiasm have inspired both staff and pupils. From organising Fairtrade Fortnight activities to integrating Fairtrade into our Geography, PSHE, and Citizenship lessons, Miss Pywell has helped us truly live out our values of fairness and compassion.
Fairtrade teaches our children that they have the power to make a difference, no matter their age. They have developed skills in teamwork, persuasive writing, and critical thinking, all while taking steps to build a fairer, more sustainable world.
We are incredibly proud of this achievement and look forward to continuing our work as a FairAchiever School. Together, we can make a difference!
fair achiever award certificate.pdf