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St Joseph's Catholic Primary School

Part of The Bishop Wheeler Catholic Academy Trust
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Emergency Closure Procedures

At St Joseph's, the safety of our pupils, parents, and staff is our top priority. In the event of extreme weather conditions or in any emergency that may necessitate the closure of the school, the following procedure will be followed to ensure the safety of children, parents and staff.

The Headteacher and or Deputy Headteacher will assess the situation and make a decision as early as possible regarding school closure. This will only be considered as a last resort, typically in cases of heating failure or significant staff shortages. In most cases, the decision will be to delay the school opening until 10:00 AM, allowing staff additional time to arrive safely.

To inform parents and guardians, the school will:

  • Notify Your Harrogate Radio, which will broadcast regular updates about delayed openings (10:00 AM) or closures.
  • Send announcements via email, Marvellous Me, and the school website.